Stories & More

Long-form musings, stories, thoughts, and other things we'd like to think you'll find interesting.

BHA and the Miles for Muleys Project

BHA and the Miles for Muleys Project

  Cowboy Cauldron Company loves to support conservation organizations. One of our favorites is Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. They work hard to advocate public access to hunting and fishing around...
July 30, 2024
The Best Burn Video Contest 2024

The Best Burn Video Contest 2024

The votes have been counted. We have a winner of our first-ever Best Video Contest!Our fantastic customers showed up big time. We had a host of great videos to choose...
July 19, 2024
There and Back Again - AZ to WA

There and Back Again - AZ to WA

There are a handful of stories that we hear from our Cowboy Cauldron owners that absolutely blow our minds. Big fires, lots of cooking and grilling, events, weddings, single engine...
July 15, 2024


Every family has traditions. Some of them are very intentional, and some of them just develop over time.  Here in Cauldron Country, early April can be spectacular, or awful. But...
March 27, 2024
Welcome, Fall.

Welcome, Fall.

It’s fall – the golden time of the year! Harvests of all kinds are underway, and leaves are turning colors. Grapes are being gleaned in vineyards, hunting season is in...
November 02, 2023
A Cast-Iron Chat

A Cast-Iron Chat

We catch up with our old pal, Dennis Powell, of Butter Pat Industries. Nearly two thousand miles from our neck of the woods in Utah, the Cowboy Cauldron Company’s unofficial...
August 15, 2023
The Best Burn 2023 - Our (Now Annual!) Photo Contest

The Best Burn 2023 - Our (Now Annual!) Photo Contest

Here we are again in the middle of summer -- enjoying the sweltering heat, grilling every chance we get, spending our summer nights in the yard with friends and fireflies,...
July 18, 2023
Teton Skijor 2023

Teton Skijor 2023

Skijoring? Ski …. Uh, WHAT?  Skiing. While being pulled by horses, more or less. Anyone who grows up in snow country has done something like this. Because, let’s face it,...
March 06, 2023
The Best Burn

The Best Burn

Summertime means different things to different people, but for most everyone, it means vacation. This year, vacation is going to look a whole lot different than it has for the...
June 27, 2022
The Cowboy Cauldron Society

The Cowboy Cauldron Society

When I first agreed to make Cauldrons for a couple of my best friends, I had no idea the path I was starting down. To say that where we are...
August 29, 2021
A Few Best Practices

A Few Best Practices

There are many ways to use a Cowboy Cauldron. After years of being around them, I’ve come to a couple of firm opinions.   First, what someone does with their Cauldron...
July 12, 2021
Home (Again) - Redux

Home (Again) - Redux

Holy Pandemic Quarantine, Batman! We’re still at home! Well, mostly. Actually, I am happy to report that I’ve actually been somewhere besides my yard in the past 90 days. And...
September 21, 2020