Get to know the Cowboy Cauldron lineup
In this blog, you'll find a series of videos focused on showcasing the many features of the Cowboy Cauldron family of smokeless fire pits and grills. We originally created these videos for our Cowboy Cauldron dealers, but think the information is relevant!
Introduction to Cowboy Cauldron Sizes
In this video, Mike Bertelsen goes through the different sizes of Cowboy Cauldrons, frame sizes, and other details on each unit.
Cowboy Cauldron Simplicity & Assembly
Assembling your Cowboy Cauldron is easy. No tools necessary. Here's Mike with a demonstration and what to expect.
Cowboy Cauldron Versatility
Cowboy Cauldrons are the most versatile grills and fire pits in the world.
Cowboy Cauldron Features & Benefits
Mike Bertelsen, owner and founder of Cowboy Cauldron Company, goes through the features and benefits of all sizes of Cowboy Cauldrons.
Finish & Longevity
Mike Bertelsen, founder of Cowboy Cauldron Company, explains the finish on Cowboy Cauldron and also expectations on the longevity on the finish.
Usage Tips & Tricks
Here's Mike to show you a few tips and tricks as they pertain to owning, using, and maintaining a Cowboy Cauldron Firepit and Grill.
The Hosting Experience
In this video, Mike Bertelsen explains how Cowboy Cauldron truly offers the hosting experience -- along with the world's greatest firepit and grill.
Which size should I order?
For our dealers and retailers, you may need some insight into which Cauldrons to purchase for your sales floor. Here's Mike with more information on that subject.