BHA and the Miles for Muleys Project
Cowboy Cauldron Company loves to support conservation organizations. One of our favorites is Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. They work hard to advocate public access to hunting and fishing around the country. It is important work, as having access to places to engage with nature is increasingly rare in contemporary America. These are no armchair advocates, either. Members of the organization contribute their time and sweat, as well as their financial support, toward the cause.
Most recently, the local Utah chapter conducted a big volunteer project in the Paunsaugunt region of the state, cleaning up a giant mess of abandoned barbed wire that was strung through an important migration corridor and winter habitat range for this amazing desert-adapted cervid.

As you can see from the images, this is rough country. The Foundation members braved brutal daytime temperatures as well as really cold nights. And given that the cleanup was barbed wire, we are certain that both blood and sweat (hopefully no tears) were part of the outing. We are proud to have played a small part in keeping the crew of dedicated volunteers both warm and well-fed. These are folks who deserve some love.
If you are a part of a wildlife or habitat conservation organization and think Cowboy Cauldrons might help further your cause, please give us a call!
Read the Miles for Muley's recap here.
Learn More about Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.