What is smokeless fire?

This may come as a surprise, but there is no such thing as a magic canister eliminating smoke from the process of combustion

What causes smoke?

Smoke is caused by one thing - incomplete combustion. Fire needs three things, fuel, air, and heat. As soon as you are short on any one of these elements, combustion becomes less efficient (hence, smoky). 


The single most important of these factors for most folks is the fuel. Use dry wood! You put out a fire by dousing it with water. Using wet wood smokes because it’s wet! No matter what device you use, if you load it with wet wood, it’s going to smoke like a chimney.

Air Flow

Air flow is another main factor. More air = hotter fire. It’s why wildfires are more dangerous when its’s windy. They burn hotter and faster. A Cowboy Cauldron creates its own wind inside the basin! As you can see in the graphic below, the design of the Cauldron accelerates internal air flow, creating a superior, dynamic combustion environment while still leaving a clear, unimpeded view of the fire!
1. Cool air is pulled from
the ground towards the
bottom of the basin.
2. Warming air is accelerated
and is sucked down the
inside edge of the basin.
3. Hot combustion air rises rapidly,
increasing flow volume and
speeding the cycle.


Heat is the last factor. Think of heat in your fire as the temperature on the inside of a log - not the outside. Small twigs burn hot and fast because it doesn’t take long for their internal temperature to reach combustion. Giant logs take longer. If you want a bright, happy fire, use smaller pieces, especially at first.
The Cowboy Cauldron’s solid plate steel design reflects heat inward, drastically increasing internal temperatures. This raises the efficiency of combustion, resulting in a drastic decrease in smoke production.

Cauldron vs. Other Fire Pits

The other big advantage to using a Cauldron over essentially any other fire device is that the fire is elevated. Heat radiates out and around the basin, allowing you to take full advantage of the it by getting underneath the basin.
Maybe more importantly, though, is that because the basin is up off the ground, any smoke the might occur is already well on its way over and past you as it leaves the basin! After sitting next to a Cauldron a few times, sitting next to a ground fire will seem to be exactly what it is - primitive. 

Use of Charcoal Grate

Every Cowboy Cauldron comes with a removable charcoal grate. Its function is simply to lift charcoal closer to the grilling surface. It is not intended as a platform for a fire. Using the charcoal grate to support the fire will make for a cooler, smokier fire because it moves the fuel away from the center of heat reflection. It will also cause your charcoal grate to sag over time. 
This seems counterintuitive, we know. Folks assume that they need to put the fire up high on the charcoal grate for air flow. 
Well, we’re telling you folks right now that just ain’t right. Fires go in the bottom of the basin.
Charcoal goes on the charcoal grate. 
Simple as that. If you don’t believe us, enjoy that extra smoke. And look forward to replacing your sagging charcoal grate soon. 

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