Meet Ben. He and his family have recently introduced a cauldron to their backyard. Here are his thoughts: 


My family and I just relocated to Charlotte, NC from Atlanta over the summer. In true moving fashion, we took the reasonable (and perhaps pragmatic) approach to reducing our tonnage within the moving truck. It was easier to get rid of the old, rusty grill than to have it make the trek north with us. I was sad, though, knowing that my grilling capabilities would be hamstrung until I could find a new setup. 
Now, fast forward a few months through the summer and The Dude makes its way from Salt Lake City to the front doorstep of my house here in the city. I hauled the box through my living room and onto my back patio, dismantled the box, arranged the component pieces, and had the basin swinging from the chain in less than 10 minutes. I was stunned. The possibilities seemed endless — and come to find out they truly are endless
A few weeks in and The Dude has been our companion through many culinary feats — grilled salads, skillet veggies, pizza, grilled bread, more s’mores than we can count (maybe my kids can...), and plenty of veggie burgers with loads of sautéed onions. The low smolder of coals have made evenings in the backyard irresistible. Where we might have called it a night, we’ve found our kids staying up way past their bedtime to enjoy silly stories around the fire, a few more roasted marshmallows — and some innocent pyromania. Gotta start them at a young age, right? 
I’m no stranger to building a good fire, nor am I unfamiliar to grilling. The Cauldron is different though, friends. It’s everything I could ever want in a grilling vessel and doubles as the family’s favorite centerpiece for our backyard — and apparently for our neighbors as well. It's clear that a cauldron has the capabilities of strengthening connections with one another. All it takes is a little fire to get the conversation rolling -- and the rest is history.
Suffice it to say, our Autumn nights will be punctuated with plenty of good memories around the cauldron.
September 15, 2020