Holy Pandemic Quarantine, Batman! We’re still at home!

Well, mostly. Actually, I am happy to report that I’ve actually been somewhere besides my yard in the past 90 days. And I’m not just talking about the grocery store, and (thankfully) the barber. I actually went up to Idaho to visit a friend and do a bit of bird hunting recently. 

It was great.

A bunch of exercise. A chance for my dog to do what he does best. A different view, and a different viewpoint. But the central unchanging variable was the Cauldron! You see, my friend knew we now have The Dude available, and he also knew it was designed for travel, so you guessed it, The Dude and I went to Idaho together. 

And instead of sitting in my back yard, I sat in his. It was fantastic! We cooked some partridge, drank some wine, and everyone around came to see us. We socially distanced, but we socialized. We told stories, we prognosticated on the hunting season, the ski season, the time when things might get back to “normal,” and much more. I was genuinely happy to see friends that I’d been too long apart from, and met new people I now consider friends.

You’ll probably also have already guessed that they all, unanimously and fervently, loved the Cauldron. I took a few orders, and will undoubtedly take more in the weeks ahead. Because if you already have a Cauldron, you know that once you’ve been around one for a couple of days, nothing else will do.

Hail, Fellow well-met! is one of my favorite old-timey phrases, as it immediately conjures up happy circumstances. It’s mighty nice being “The Cauldron Guy,” and as long as I’m bringing the fire, I’m more popular than I probably deserve to be. It’s nice to be welcome in new places, but it’s even nicer to know that our company is enabling lots of folks to find joy and happiness in a strange and uncertain time. 


September 21, 2020